Kia`i Kāhili Mission
Together we manage this unique place to achieve ecological and cultural vitality, connection (to this place and each other) and continued responsible recreation through collaborative education and stewardship for the continuing benefit of current and future generations.
What is Kiaʻi Kāhili and the Kāhili Stewardship area?
It is an initiative supported by 5 organizations; the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge (KPNWR), Hawaiian Islands Land Trust (HILT), Kīlauea Neighborhood Association (KNA), Kīlauea Point Natural History Association (KPNHA) and ʻĀina Hoʻokupu o Kīlauea (AHK). It includes the USFWS owned area known as Kāhili Quarry on the western side of Kīlauea River (Kīlauea side), as well as the opposite side of the river (Waiakalua/Wailapa side) owned by HILT.
get involved!
Since the flood events of March 2020, the Kahili Quarry Road has been closed by the County of Kauai for public safety concerns due the deep erosion and culvert undermining that has made the road dangerous to pass.
Kia `i Kahili is currently focusing our efforts at the Kahili Beach Preserve where interns and staff of HILT conduct community stewardship activities such as beach patrol educating the public to clean up after their pets. Staff conduct educational events and monthly clean-up/restoration.
The monthly restoration and clean-up event is sponsored by HILT in conjunction with Kia`i Kahili where little by little we remove invasive species shrubs, grasses and trees and plant in their place, native species once found in this area.
The monthly event occurs the first Sunday of each month from 8:30 – 10:30 am from the bottom of Wailapa road at Kahili Beach. Please feel invited to bring gloves, a hat, water and join us.
Kiaʻi Kahili Vision
Here is Kāhili makai, where well-intentioned and deeply-connected stewards cherish and protect a peaceful, clean, and relatively undeveloped coastline. The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Hawaiian Islands Land Trust, together with the Kīlauea community, are working to perpetuate natural resource conservation, meaningful cultural richness and connection, and community recreational activities of the Kāhili and Kīlauea river area.
Native plants blanket the sand dunes and aerial displays of thriving Hawaiian seabirds (koa`e `ula, mōlī, `a`o, `ua`u, and `ā) are enjoyed with wonderment; their nearby nests and young well-protected from introduced predators. Families watch `iwa dip for clean water from the muliwai filled with `ama`ama in the purple and blue of evening. Star constellations are observed in the dark sky while stories are shared between young and old. Fishermen gather and teach responsible fishing practices. In pāʻina, we share the “fruits of labor” strengthening our bond of community.
Responsible behavior is fostered through education and monitoring, and the implementation of a management plan where the health and vibrance of Kāhili is perpetuated for generations to come.
Best Behaviors:
Please help to mālama (care for) this ecologically sensitive and culturally significant area
Please respect this area and leave this area cleaner than you found it
Clean up after your pet and pack out all trash
Respect other visitors’ quiet enjoyment (no loud music, bright lights, and parties)
Fishing allowed in accordance with State of Hawai‘i regulations
No hunting
Dogs allowed on short leash only
No camping
Fires in designated rings only (no gathering of firewood- portable grills or stoves are okay)
No unauthorized commercial activity
For more information or to report suspicious or illegal activity call Kīlauea Point National Wildlife Refuge at 808-828-1413